SAML 2.0

It allows a user to authenticate in a system and gain access to another system by providing proof of their authentication.

Overview of SAML

SAML 2.0 (Security Assertion Markup Language) is an open standard created to provide cross-domain single sign-on (SSO).

While SAML has been in use since 2005, it remains popular for identity federation in B2B and B2E applications. This wide adoption has led to its self-perpetuating success. Generally, if you want to provide seamless SSO between businesses and enterprises, you need to be able to handle SAML. In fact, the SAML 2.0 protocol is mainly used for Enterprise and Government applications.

SAML uses XML to represent the user’s identity data and simple HTTP for data transport mechanisms.

How SAML Works?

SAML is an XML-based authentication protocol in which Identity Providers (IdP) -- entities that manage and store user credentials -- exchange digitally signed XML documents (SAML Assertions) allowing an end-user to access a **Service Provider **(SP), such as the collection of apps that you use every day at work or a website.

The service requesting and receiving data from the Identity Providers (IdP) is known as the Relying Party (RP) and the user identity data, encapsulated in the SAML Assertion, is in the form of attributes, e.g,. email address, name, phone, etc.

SAML and Single Sign-On (SSO)

With SAML, the authentication workflow can be initiated by either the Service Provider or the Identity Provider. IdP-initiated authentication might occur if an employee is logged into their corporate dashboard and wants to use a company-purchased tool on an external site. In this case, the IdP would send a SAML assertion via the web browser to automatically log them in.

SP-initiated authentication occurs if an employee tries to log into that external site - the SP- and the site redirects them to their corporate Single Sign On (SSO) login page to enter their credentials and authenticate. After authentication, the employee is redirected back to the external site with a SAML assertion proving their identity.

Where to use it on Shiptify

How to set it up on Shiptify

Please first get in touch with your sales contact. As soon as this is validated, we will provide you with our Digitaly signed XML and wait for yours in order to set up the protocol.

Last updated